Santa Clarita Diet -

This scene begins using non-degetic fast paced audio, that micmicks the sound of footsteps. This has been used for the purposes of narrative development because it foreshadows the idea that the couple are about to do something out of the ordinary...again. The scene begins with an establishing shot of the mortuary, consisting of predominantly yellow colors which could suggest that the building has aged with time. Additionally there is alot of metal which has cold connotations for the audience, suggesting the idea of death. The camera zooms out and back through the door that the couple are standing behind and looking through. This is an effective technique because it allows the scene to be more dynamic. The couple knock on the door, and the guy comes to open it. As the door is being opened a close up of the his face shows his confusion towards the couple, this could have a commical effect on the audience. Additionally, over the shoulder shots are used alot in this scene, which is effective and can be used to develop a narrative as they allow the audience to see other characters facial expressions and eye movements. This scene utalizes the rules of continuity by using match on action, Joel attempts to sweeten the morgue technition by paying him 100 dollars "for opening the door", when joel passes the note to the technition, the camera cuts to the man taking the note. This is an effective technique because it creates perspective, and maintains a clear and continuous narrative. An over the shoulder shot is used as Joel introduces himself and his wife to the technician, Sheila seems to become awkward. The shot is flipped to show the guys face of confusuion as he pauses before he asks if they are going to" **** the body". The pause is a really effective technique because the pause gives good commical timing. The camera cuts to a close up of the couple as they stare in disbelief for a second, this pause is effective because it allows the audience time to process the dialogue. The pause is followed by the pair awkwardly admiting they want to **** a dead bod. The use of a mid shot is really effective here because it allows the viewers to see how awkward the couple are acting which suggests that they are embarrassing, this could have a positive impact on the viewer as they might find this funny. The camera briefly cuts to an over the shoulder shot as the technician grins at them, which also adds comedy. Additionally, the use of setting is important in this scene because the doorway they are standing in whilst talking helps to frame the action, this is an effective technique because it creates a more interesting image using lines and angles.
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