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storyboarding production log

Storyboarding - Production log


Today we were given the brief, we have been tasked with creating three media products’ storyboards. We will have to pitch our ideas and develop the two best received ones.

My ideas were as follows –

·         TV show – The show will tell the same story as the film except it will go into why the ghost has chosen to haunt the college, and why he has chosen the three students to haunt. The ghost is haunting the college because his daughter died at the college and he has chosen these students because they have all done something wrong but the ghost feels they have the potential to be good people and he wants to help them.

·         Video game – three characters are chasing their colleges resident ghost around. They collect candies to boost energy. The game is intended to reach out to younger audiences as the film or TV show may be too much for younger viewers to process. One of the significant inspirations for this game is pac man as it follows the same kind of style, I hope this encourages people to play it.  

·         Film – three students are exploring the college basement, they all believe there is no such thing as ghosts and they go into the basement to prove everyone wrong.

I created a moodboard that depicted all the initial ideas i had, it is bellow. 


i started gathering ideas for the kind of styles i wanted to use, as different styles will have a different effect on the viewer/player. An example of this could be...

i decided that i was going to use burtonesque graphics to emphasize the gothic imagery in my video game, whilst my film and Tv show will take more of an Alfred Hitchcock approach, i have chosen this style because of his use of low key lighting and composition to build tension and create suspense. 

The main idea behind my ghost is 'Casper the friendly ghost', i have chosen to represent my ghost in this way because i believe it goes against the stereotype that all ghosts are nasty and have bad intensions. The soft graphics, will make her appeal less scary to the other characters and the audience. 


I started to explore the ideas i was having for my Tv show, i have chosen to work on this first as it covers alot of the narrative, therefore it will allow me to become familiar with the characters and narrative. I have chosen to extend the narrative further in the Tv show, i have chosen to do this so the film can introduce viewers to the narrative without giving it all way immediately, and they can choose weather they want to know more and watch the TV series. 

My Tv show will be aimed mostly at yioung adults aged 16-25. It will have almost the same narrative as the film,  is set in modern day Britain, at Halloween and everyone is talking about the romour that there are ghosts in the college basement. Whilst three students are in detention, they begin to question the reality of the romour. When the teacher goes to his office the three students leave the classroom to explore beneath the college. At first the ghost is slightly defensive because she thought the students we teachers, the students begin to ask her questions like - how she got here? why does the haunt the school? how has she stayed hidden for so long?, she tells them her daughter died at the school in a fire, she is looking fo her baby girl. they have been trying to catch her for years. They begin to talk to her, she just want to help them become better people. she uses her intangiable powers to help them make things right with people they have wronged.

I decided that i was going to use Strodes college as my setting, this will make appear the college seem normal and nothing out of the ordinary. The college is perfect for this because it looks quite dated. 

I also started to consider the outfits my characters were wearing. They should be wearing clothes that reflect their personalities, the date of the film and possibly social and political messages. I started to think about how i could convey all of these thoughts through costume. i tried to include modern stryles, mixed with some slightly more dated ones as this is common amngst young people because they think its 'cool'. 


i started work on the Film as it will appear similar stylistically to my Tv show, i will be combining live action with computer generated imagery, i like this effect because it gives the impression that ghosts are part of reality. 


I began to think about my game, for this i needed to consider a range of things - what i wanted it to look like, what format does it have, what are the controlls, what is the soundscape? 

The aim of the game is to catch the ghost, originally i wanted my game to pay tribute to the classic arcade game pac-man, however i eventually decided that might make the game feel slightly dated. I chose to use this layout as a feature, like a map rather than the main focus of the game. The map will appear as a box on the top left corner of the screen. I like this idea better because it allows the player to navigate the screen better as they are able to track what is happening around them. The rest of the screen will be occupied by a viewpoint from the players perspective. 

My game will be set in a modern day college, ghosts, spiders, devils and witches will all be trying to distract them from catching the ghost. I will also include digetic audio, making the player feel fully immersed in he game. some of the audio clips could include - banging, howling of wind, lockers banging open, cackling witches. This is designed so that the player becomes distracted, making the game slightly challenging. 


When i had decided all of these important features, i had to think about the frames i was going to use. They do not need to be sequential so this gives more freedom about what i want to show the viewer. i started this process by gathering some shot ideas for my TV and film, i believed this would help me to visualize the action better. 


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