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Hollyoaks -

Hollyoaks is a british soap opera, aimed towards adolescents and young adults. The show was first broadcasted on channel four on the 23rd of October 1995, beginning with seven major characters but now the show has a cast of roughly 65 main characters.  The programme is set in a fictional suburb of Chester known as hollyoaks, it is mostly filmed in Childwall, Liverpool however other outside locations are sometimes used. The show has dealt with a number of story lines that have been based on serious topical issues, critics have said that the soap is the perfect medium to present a variety of issues that are effecting young people. A telephone number is usually shown after episodes that feature a particular emphasis on stories that may have effected young people, allowing the show to form connections and bonds with their target audience.

 In this clip from Hollyoaks, the evil and manipulative Mac Nightingale is attempting to add fuel to an already burning fire as he tells Mandy that her husband slept with the town prostitute. Mac walk from the counter in the background, he stops to question Mandy about her husband. Mac stands tall above her, which makes him look superior and in control. The camera pans right, as julliet appears and listens to their conversation. Mac is talking about Darren staying at Donna maries the night before, the camera cuts to Julliet as she stands fiddling with her fingers. These actions would suggest that she has something she wants to say, but due to the controlling and violent nature of her father she might be hesitant to speak up. The camera then cuts to close ups of Mand and Mac as they talk, this is important because it allows the audience to know and understand how the charchters might be feeling. Mac talk with a slight smirk and his piercing eyes, this would suggest that he knows that he isnt telling the truth and has a negative impact on the audience as they may start to question his charchter. Comparitvley Mandy seems uneasy, she might feel intimadted by macs presence. Julliet walks into shot next to mac trying to reassure Mandy thats not what happened utalizing a two shot. This shot is effective because it allows the audience to see mac biting his lip and thinking of ways to manipulate the situation. A shallow depth of field is also used which makes Julliet the main focus, as what she has to say is important to the narrative development. The camera cuts to a close up of mandy, who is red eyed and visibly upset. As mac is walking away, a close up of his face is used. He gives a smirk to the camera which suggest he knows he is causing trouble and he is loving t. This will have a negative impact on the audience because they might stat to have feeling of disgust to him. Julliet begins to tell Mandy what really happens, close ups are used again which is effective because it shows the relief that mandy is feeling when she realizes that her husband was drunk and slept on the sofa. Furthermore, Mandy is explaining that she needs to avoid stress due to the baby because he needs an operation. The camera cuts to a close up of Julliet who seems shocked and confused, she sits down with mandy which suggest that she might want to know more but also that they are equal.



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