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The Good Place -

'The good place'' is an American fantasy-comedy TV series created by Micheal Schur, first premiered on September 19th 2016 on NBC.  The series is focused around Elanor Shellstrop who has woken up in a heaven like oasis, after an embarrassing death on earth. She is welcomed by head architect micheal, where she is told she has earned her spot in the good place as a result of her righteous life. Elanore is introduced to her 'soulmate' Chidi, an indecisive ethics professor, self absorbed English socialite Tahani and her 'soulmate', Jason who is a Buddhist monk that has taken a vow of silence.  However, Elanore soon realizes that she has been sent to 'the good place' by mistake, on earth she would describe herself as a 'trashbag' so she tries to hide her morally imperfect behavior whilst becoming a better and more ethical person. Elanore and the other good place residents work together realizing their flaws and helping each other to overcome them. The group are often guided by Janet, an all knowing artificial being that is able too produce any item the inhabitants might desire.

This scene from the goodplace begins with and establishing shot, tracking Elanore and micheal as they walk through a park. The camera then cuts to a long shot as they continue to walk, then another tracking shot is used. The combination of camera angles in this short sequence is effective because it allows the audience to view the action from an alternative viewing point, but it also helps to establish the setting and suggests how calm and peaceful 'the good place' is, which has connotations of an afterlife like heaven, full of nature and nice people. The camera cuts to an over the shoulder shot of Elanor as she discusses the ethical issues that surround the 'bad place', this is an effective technique because it helps to show the audience the expression of confusion and concern she has. Furthermore, the camera cuts to a two shot, with Elanore looking up at micheal. This is an effective technique because it demonstates status and authority. Elanore knows that she does not belong in the 'good place', therfore the use of an over the shoulder two shot allows the audience to see the awkward expression she pulls when micheal explains why he feels she is deserving of her place. This allows the audience to understand that she might be hiding something, and feeling guilty for taking someonelses identity as she describes herself as a 'trashbag'. Additionally non-digetic audio is used here, as slow piano tones can be heard in the background which might suggest feelings of hope and new beginnings. Moreover, the setting changes and and the camera cuts too an establishing shot of a multi colored house. Then the camera cuts to a two shot, which is effective because it allows the audience to see elanores facial expressions which suggests she might be slightly disappointing. This helps the audience to build a relationship with the character because they might feel sympathy for her. then the camera cuts to a wide shot, which compares elanores house to the one next to hers. This shot uses scale for the purposes of comical value, but also to further convey the characters feelings of envy and diassapoinment. Additionally the use of fountains further convey the idea of wealth and status. The camera then cuts to a tracking shot as elanore and micheal enter her house, this is effective because it can allow the audience to feel as if they are actually involved however it is also used to establish a new setting. The camera moves in an arc following Elanor movements, this is effective because it helps to show how big the apartment seems on the inside in comparison to Elanor. The camera pans left, as Micheal pulls up a screen using his hand. The use of these graphics helps to convey the idea that this is not set in the current time or on earth. Micheal is showing 'Elanore' her good deeds which lead her to be accepted into the goodplace, a wide shot is used from the perspective of the screen. This is an effective technique because it gives context to the scene and it shows elanores facial expression which could suggest a guilty conscience. When Chidi enters, an over the shoulder shot is used which shows his beaming facial expression, suggesting that he is happy to be in Elanores company because she is his 'soulmate'. Furthermore, a two shot is used to present the characters interacting, so the audience can see theri body language and facial expressions.  Whilst Chidi seems to feel comfortable, using his hands to express himself. Elanore remains still and quiet at first, which tells the audience she feels uncomfortable. Furthermore, over the shoulder shots are used which allows the audience to understand to see the reactions of the person, as the other person talks. This is an effective technique in this situation because it reflects chidi's feeling of being shocked and feeling anxious because he spends all his time worried about what could and should happen. The scene ends here, which is effective because it creates a cliffhanger and leaves the audience wanting to know more. Finally the lighting in this scene is very bright and pure, the house uses lots of yellow which has connotations of happiness and summer. This reflects the ideology that the good place is a heaven like utopis for the dead.

 This scene begins with an establishing shot of Elanor house under dark shadows, which might foreshadow later events in the scene.The camera cuts to a wide shot, the characters seem to be in conflict as they are all spaced apart. secondly, the camera cuts to a wide shot of Elanor as she tries to take control of the situation. Jason is elated that she didn't choose him or Janet to go to the bad place, this is illustrated using an over the shoulder shot as if the audience is watching from the perspective of Elanor.  Furthermore, the camera cuts to chidi as he begins to stand up, facing an ethical conundrum. cutting to a close up of elanore as she turns her head to listen to him, this might of been used for narrative development as it demonstrates a change in her character.  A two shot of Tahani and elanore is used when he volunteers to go to the bad place, this shot type is effective because it demonstrates feelings of shock and attachment and develops the narrative as it reflect the relationship that he has with the others. Chidi begins to pace around, which tells the audience that he might be starting to panic, making the audience feel sympathy for him. Furthermore, another older the shoulder shot is used


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