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Showing posts from September, 2019

unit 10 -Fictional film-making

Learning aims -  A - Understand codes and conventions of fictional film production  B-  Produce material for a fictional film of a specified genre  C - Apply post-production techniques to a fictional film utilising codes and conventions of a specified genre.  Narrative structures - Linear narrative structures is a narrative that runs from start to finnish in chronological order. They do not include any flashbacks or flash forwards, they are not broken up in anyway. Popular examples of non - linear narratives include soap operas such as corronation street or Eastenders.  Non - linear narrative structures depict events in a random order, often using flashbacks or flash forwards as a narrative development tool. This gives the director more freedom about how they want the viewer to view the narrative. This also allows the director to incatate how characters are percieved. Examples of non-linear narrative structures can be found in Tarentino films such as pulp fiction and re