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Showing posts from July, 2019

Single camera production - Resub

Brief -  Alone A national Tv channel has released a competition open to all non professional media producers. The company are looking for entries from young film makers to produce a single camera production. The film should be aimed at young people aged 16-22, and make use of single camera techniques. The piece should be no longer than 15 minuets. The winner will have their film aired on national tv.         I started by gathering some initial ideas and thoughts i had, some of these included... A story about three friends that have been in each others lives since birth, they have just done their exams and they are getting ready to leave their school and say goodbye to people as they are leaving and starting new chapters in their adult lives. Lisa, Byron and Luke promise that no matter what they will always have time for each other. They try to make this summer the best they can by going out and having parties, making memories they will remember. However things start to go