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Showing posts from June, 2019

Murder mystery - production log

Initially we were asked to come up with an idea for a murder mystery, my idea was... Mr Jackman is having a party to celebrate his recent engagement to his younger girlfriend. He invites a selection of his closest friends and family to his mansion on the top of a hill overlooking desolate countrysides. At some point in the evening, he is murdered - the group of people desperately try to establish who the killer is before the sun comes up and people notice hes missing.  We were put into two groups of seven, we began by sharing our individual ideas and seeing if we could combine or elaborate the initial thoughts. Some of these included... house party journey on a boat come dine with me type dinner party jungle Sixth form detention  Once we had thought of some initial ideas, we began to think about how realistic they could be and what was accessible to us. At first we were going to do it based on a house party, however the other group were doing the same type of thing so we h