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Showing posts from April, 2019

Production log -

Over the christmas holidays we were asked to develop three narrative ideas, mine are listed bellow... 13th February - Pre-production began and we were put into groups based around the ideas we had, I am working with Jamie and Kira D. Together we put our ideas together, I suggested the idea that you can't escape fate, Kira suggested we could do a dream sequence that has brushes with reality, and Jamie wanted to have an evil force that wanted something from our protagonist, and they keep dreaming the same sequence until the force have evil has achieved what they wanted. This was our first idea... Thursday 14th February - We put our idea forward, we were told that it had sounded similar to Happy death day. None of us had watched this film, but it meant that we needed to find a USP so we went back to brainstorming ideas. After much thought, we decided that we could do a twisted gameshow in  TV format, with a phycopathic host who has kidnapped five people that he believes ha